
A flexible tool to learn about customers’ opinions.

Ask testers questions – open, closed, grades on scale. 

Use the survey itself or after each task to deepen the knowledge of what users think.

Satisfaction tests

Learn how satisfied are your customers.

Know your customers

Ask customers about their routines.

Develop your products

Regularly ask your customers what would they like to see in your products.

Service design

Design services with your users in mind. Confirm their opinions at each stage of the process.

Brand SEO

Discover what makes your company stand out in their eyes of the customers.

Image evaluation

Find you what are your products associated with.

"Fundusze Europejskie – dla rozwoju innowacyjnej gospodarki" – "Inwestujemy w Waszą przyszłość" "Wdrozenie innowacyjnego systemu B2B automatyzujacego przeprowadzanie badan i rekrutacje testerów do badan uzytecznosci stron internetowych, serwisów, formularzy." Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego